Patient Plus call center support patients, physicians, hospitals, pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies with a wide range of services via an in-house health call center. The program is completely customizable, it can be applied to any disease state.
Patient Plus Call Centre offers a variety of services such as:
- inbound and outbound contact centre services;
- helpline call center
- SMS reminder for on time medication
- pharmacovigilance reports

Pharmacovigilance - an umbrella term used to describe the processes for monitoring and evaluating adverse drug reactions (ADRs) - is a key component of effective drug regulation systems, clinical practice and public health programs. Patient Plus comply with the Pharmacovigilance department’s regulations and has in place a well-organized pharmacovigilance system.Patient plus utilizes known and validated systems as well as innovative processes to obtain and maintain accurate, up-to-date and complete safety information which helps ensure unbiased scientific safety information be available to all stakeholders.

Patient plus’ nurse team helps patients to be aware of their disease management and their treatment on one-to-one setting within the comfort of their own house.Nurses will demonstrate to the patients how to execute their treatment correctlyand will encourage patients to get feedback and ask questions in a safe arena.
The nature of home healthcare services and the prolonged close relationship that develops between nurses and patients enables us to exercise a high degree of influence over both adherence and lifestyle improvement.

Psychological support is essential for patients with chronic or severe diseases so as to cope with the disease. Qualified psychologists help patients and their relatives throughout the medication period so as to improve the quality of their everyday life.

Nutritional support and exercise must accompany the adherence in medication so as to achieve the therapeutic goal. Patient Plus’ qualified and experienced nutritionists provide personalized nutritional support programs which are designed according to the needs of each patient.

Patient Plus specialized nurses perform blood sampling at home or in laboratory centers depending on patient’s preferences.

Patient Plus provides drug delivery services, using certified delivery packages so as to serve patients who are struggling in taking their medication from central pharmacies.

Caregivers are a critical part of a patient’s behavioral environment. However, despite their best intentions, family members often fall short as truly effective helpers. Patient Plus’ team guides supporters through their own emotional reactivity, challenge their misconceptions, and teach concrete helping skills. Caregivers practice better communication, empathy and self-awareness. The goal is to support caregivers to change simultaneously with patients, resulting in overall increased adherence and health in the family system.

Patient Plus team has nurses who act as virtual caregivers. Caregivers provide help to patients from the moment that they arrive at the hospital for the usual check up or their treatment until the time they are discharged.

In order to provide the best patient care, healthcare professionals should invest in educational opportunities that give them up to date knowledge and skills on better patient communication. Learning is an ongoing process, especially in today's fast-changing health care environment. The orientation of this life-long learning is patient-centered because the goal is to fulfill patients needs. Patient Plus is encouraging&supporting physicians and healthcare professionals to take advantage of these opportunities.

Patient Plus takes over the design of mobile applications for each patient program. The mobile app is designed as a personal health calendar and can help people manage their own health and wellness, promote healthy living, and gain access to useful information according to each disease.

Patient Plus ensuring patient transfer both ways, from and to a hospital for all the usual check up on their treatment until the time they are discharged. Our goal is to initiate the transfer of any patient both safely and effectively.